Galena Foundation Projects
The Galena Foundation initiated its first major project, Old City Cemetery Restoration in 1986. Since then The Foundation has spearheaded many projects of historical significance in an effort to ensure the restorations are completed in a thoughtful and meaningful manner.
The total spent on grants and projects by the Galena Foundation since inception is over $1,450,000.00!
Major Projects
Grant Park

"Grant, Our Citizen"
photo courtesy of Charles Marsden

Photo Courtesy of Charles Marsden
Since 1874, Turner Hall has served as a central gathering place for the citizens of Galena—a site for celebrations, performances, campaigns and fundraisers. The upgrades and preservation efforts will ensure Turner Hall remains a centerpiece of the Galena community.
Turner Hall
The Galena Foundation, working in cooperation with the trustees of the Joe Miller Trust and in partnership with the City of Galena, has recently completed a multi-year plan to make Turner Hall more appealing, comfortable and energy efficient.
Improvements include window repair; new fire escape; exterior repair, tuck pointing, waterproofing and painting; interior lighting and wiring upgrades; wood floor repair and refinishing; and more.
Train Depot
The Galena Foundation partnered with the City of Galena to complete an accurate restoration of the Old Train Depot. Built in 1857 the structure was originally used as a passenger depot by the Illinois Central Railroad. The Depot, with its Italianate architecture, has long been a Galena landmark.
The restoration included replacing the mismatched brick and completing the tuckpointing so the building returned to its original appearance.

Photo Courtesy of Beth Baranski
The Old Train Depot restoration project was named the 2013 winner for Historic Preservation by Galena's Historic Preservation Commission.

Photo Courtesy of Phil Aleo
High School Steps
The restoration of the High School Steps was a joint project of the Galena Foundation and the City of Galena. At the time the project was started, it was the largest restoration undertaken by The Foundation since the organization was incorporated.
The successful fundraising campaign was led by the Galena Foundation. Over $100,000 was needed to complete the project. Many of the donors and their family members were passionate about the project because they had memories of using the High School Steps to get to and from school or work.
In the late 1990s the City of Galena and the Galena Foundation's work to restore three sets of steps was recognized with a Richard H. Driehaus Award for outstanding restoration project.
Old Market House
The exterior of The Old Market House State Historic Site began to show signs of wear and was in need of repair and painting. Although the historic site manager had been working for years to obtain the funds, they had not come available.
A grassroots fundraising effort coupled with a collaboration between the Galena Foundation, the State of Illinois, VisitGalena and the Women of Courage and Commitment raised the funds needed to get the Market House exterior repaired and repainted.

The Market House in Galena was built in 1845-46 and was the focal point of the community until 1910. In 1947 when the City of Galena could no longer maintain the building and there was talk of tearing it down, it was turned over to the State of Illinois. In 1954, the State of Illinois did a masterful job restoring and saving the building.
The site currently houses the Galena Welcome Center and historical exhibits.

Constructed in 1851, Old Fire House No. 1 was built to serve the Liberty Engine Company No. 1. Built in the Italianate style, the structure is believed to be the oldest fire station in the state. Both the tower and the bell are original to the structure.
Old Fire House No. 1
The Galena Foundation partnered with the Galena Fire Department and the City of Galena to restore the Old Fire House No. 1 on Bench Street next to the Washington Street Steps.
An additional collaboration restored Liberty, an original 1854 hand pumper, which arrived in Galena in early January 1855. Built by the Agnew Company in Philadephia, Pennsylvania, just 500 of these engines were built. It is reported that Liberty was kept in use for nearly 50 years. Liberty can be seen through the double glass doors on the front of the fire station.
******Awarded & Outstanding******
Stillman House, Galena Historical Society: $30,828.40
Galena Generals' Busts, American Legion: $25,000.00
Newspaper Digitization, Warren Library: $3,955.00
Extend Historic Fence, Greenwood Cemetery: $20,500.00
Ergen Organ Restoration, Grace Episcopal Church: $9,467.00
Fireplace Restoration, Galena Public Library: $7,000
Replace Staircase, St. Michael's Church: $25,000.00
Tuckpointing Turner Hall, City of Galena: $41,097.76
Porch Restoration, Galena Eagles: $25,000.00
Turner Hall Sign, City of Galena: $1,980.34
Porch Repair, Ulysses S Grant Home: $1,700
Various Schools, History Trip Grants: $3,727.50
Gazette Digitization, Galena Public Library: $20,268.46
Henry Taylor Bust, American Legion: $6,000.00
Fireplace Restoration, Galena Public Library: $1,525.00
Various Schools, History Trip Grants: $5,033.00
Exterior Repairs, Door Replacement, Nelson Stillman House, $40,828.10
Steeple Restoration, United Methodist Church, $24,277.50
Chimney Repair, First Presbyterian Church, $5,126.00
Fireplace Restoration, Galena Public Library, $1,525.00
School Historic Tour Grant, Various Area Schools, $2,500.00
Gazebo Restoration, Grant Park, $12,172.43
Sidewalk Repairs, Grant Park, $6,985.00
Completed Remodeling, Turner Hall, $26,024.21
Newspaper Digitization, Galena Public Library, $21,627.66
Steeple Restoration, United Methodist Church, $18,943.50
School Historic Tour Grant, Various Area Schools, $500.00
Inside Remodeling, Turner Hall, $36,803.82
Ceiling Medallion Restoration, United Methodist Church, $6,643.00
Newspaper Digitization, Galena Public Library, $14,994.12
Landscaping, Grant Park, $4,287.44
Old City Cemetery Restoration, $17,842.00
Steeple Restoration, First Presbyterian Church, $14,312.00
Newspaper Digitization, Galena Public Library, $10,000.00
School Historic Tour Grant, Various Area Schools, $1,500.00
School Historic Tour Grant, Various Area Schools, $1,500.00
Interior Doors, Methodist Church, $4,000.00
Old City Cemetery Restoration, $9,200.00
Port of Galena, Galena Jo Daviess County Historical Society, $3,000.00
Window Replacement, Kreider Services Group Home, $18,113.00
Old City Cemetery Restoration, $17,674.00
Exterior Stairs, Old Train Depot, $2,200.00
Curtains, Galena Festival of Performing Arts, $1,500.00
Kohlsaat Bridge Plaque, $750.00
Museum Porch, Galena Jo Daviess County Historical Society, $1,000.00
Exterior Restoration, Jo Daviess County Courthouse, $10,000.00
Galena Illinois A Timeless Treasure, Book, $61,297.00
Exterior Stairs Restoration, Old Galena Train Depot, $1,500.00
Turner Hall Restoration, (2015*-2019) City of Galena, $290,583.00
Grant Park Tree Inventory, City of Galena, $2,000.00
****** 2014 ******
Alfie Mueller Exhibit, Galena Foundation Project, Project Contribution: $2,000.00
Geological Survey Guidebook, League of Women Voters Education Fund, $2,000.00
Old Market House Welcome Center Exterior Painting, Greater Galena Marketing Inc, $10,775.00
Hess House Exterior Porch and Shutter Restoration, Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation, $6,515.00
Replacement of Exterior Doors, First United Methodist Church, $7,667.43
****** 2013 ******
Grant Park Gazebo, City of Galena, $24,954.50
Grant/Washburne Neighborhood Fence Project, Galena State Historic Sites, $5,000.00
Front Doors & Stained Glass Window, St. Matthew Lutheran Church, $7,230.00
Repair Exterior Steps, United Methodist Church, $2,293.00
RuskinARC, Galena Foundation Project, $26,932.00
****** 2012 ******
Washburne State Historic Site, Galena State Historic Sites, State Grant: $50,000.00
(The Galena Foundation helped manage the grant.)
Restoration Project, Old Train Depot, $200,000.00
****** 2011 ******
U.S. Grant Home Pathway, City of Galena, $10,000.00
Steeple, United Methodist Church, $5,000.00
Grant Park Beautification, O'Bel Trust Fund, $227.00
Museum Restoration, Galena Jo Daviess County Historical Society, $15,376.00
Roof Restoration, Galena Jo Daviess County Historical Society, $500.00
****** 2010 ******
Historic District Survey, City of Galena, $2,696.28
Masonry Chimney Restoration, Galena Art & Recreation Center, $1,547.50
Stonework, Galena Public Library District, $3,762.50
Historic Preservation Through Modern Technology, Galena/JDC Historical Society, $20,000.00
High School Steps Sign, Galena Foundation Project, $1,417.75
Grant Park Beautification, O'Bel Trust Fund, $938.00
Washburne House Family Portrait, Washburne House, $250.00
Old Train Depot, $19,520.00
****** 2009 ******
Turner Hall Steps, City of Galena , $9,762.00
Building Restoration, Oddfellows, $8,779.00
Grant Park Beautification, O'Bel Trust Fund, $796.00
****** 2008 ******
Galena River Trail Interpretive Signs, Galena Rotary Club, $700.00
Grant Park Beautification, O'Bel Trust Fund, $924.00
****** 2007 ******
Grant Park Gazebo, City of Galena, $14,927.00
U.S. Grant Statue, City of Galena, $23,000.00
Museum Renovations, Galena Historical Society & Museum, $16,574.00
****** 2006 ******
Belden School Restoration, Belden School Restoration Committee, $5,000.00
Library Roof Replacement, Galena Public Library, $10,000.00
****** 2005 ******
Restoration of Interior Staircase, Galena Art & Restoration Center, $5,000.00
Julia Dent Grant Statue, General Ulysses S. Grant Home, $10,000.00
Digital Preservation of Galena’s Photographic Heritage, Galena/JDC Historical Society, $3,524.00
Fire Department Pumper, Galena Foundation Project, Project Contribution, $5,000.00
****** 2004 ******
Grant Park Fountain, Galena Foundation Project, $40,000