Galena Axle Grease
Research is underway for a historical structure report on the building located at 100 Monroe Street, most famously known for the Galena Axle Grease factory that occupied the building for decades.
Below are some photos, recent and historic, to show the building in its full glory, and in today's decrepit state.

From the 1885 Sanborn Fire Map,
courtesy of the Library of Congress
courtesy of the Library of Congress
The undated photo at the top shows the First Ward School in the background and train cars idle on the tracks. The Sanborn Fire Maps tell the story of an expanding business.

From the 1912 Sanborn Fire Map,
courtesy of the Library of Congress
courtesy of the Library of Congress

Gaping holes in the roof have allowed water to penetrate and deteriorate the wooden structure.

Inside the second floor has collapsed where the roof is open to the sky.